I need some of you Turner Geeks to get me copies of these so I can watch nothing but Dogs in Pants on my TV.
Goddamitt, is it too much to ask to have a Channel that shows nothing but animals in Dramatic Human Roles? Dogville Shorts, Lancelot Link, Mr. Ed, blah, blah, blah. I like this type of entertainment better than watching people. It does re-enforce just how completely worthless Glen is.
Queenie in Trouble:
So Quiet on the Canine Front:
The Big Doghouse:
College Hounds:
Surfin' Spy:
Evolution Revolution:
It's time to get this shit straight people.
Damn if The Good Prof. didn't find these fuckers on a DVD fer me.
Get yours here:
World's Best Comics and Toys
Another Update!
World's Best Comics and Toys is a ripoff!
Took payment, never sent the item, won't return Emails or calls and now we have a dispute going through PayPal. This fucker is a Thief, long and short of it,
And I still don't have movies of Dogs in Pants!